Saturday, November 17, 2012

SAP2000 Basic



Its a program that design to help structure engineer for calculate and predict reaction of its structure in every load combination which is given to the structure.

How to design a building using SAP2000
there are three basic step for every structure design program, there are.

  1. draw the construction shape (each line and angle)
  2. joint assumption (is it fixed, roll or any other joint)
  3. load assigment (dead load, Life Load and all the combination)

If you follow these three basic steps correctly then you should have the most reliable result for its calculation, because this program only help you calculated the reaction for every load combination given.

The more complete data you given then the result can be more accurate.
If your input data is incomplete or wrong then the result can't be accurate.

Once again, this is only a program that help you calculated not the super program that can design by its own.

Engineering knowledge is important for design purpose.

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