Sunday, June 28, 2009

Autocad 2D

Most Everyone in the world know AutoCad program, they use it for several reason. most of them using for design and modelin. How to drawing using AutoCad Software.

Autocad 2D is the basic operation in the autocad program.
in this operation you will find some instruction to draw any shape you need to obtain full object drawing.


example you want to draw a home, than you just need to draw a line that construct it shape

to draw a line in autocad you just to press "L" button in your keyboard and press "enter" or click a line shape buton in your autocad pogram after that select first point you want to draw then select second point of the line.

now you want to draw a full simple object,
it also available in autocad, there a button in the autocad to draw simple shape like rectangle or circle or elips or triangle and other shape.

you just need to know what you need for drawing the object, then use the button where available in the bar...
one word to obtain more skill


After practice to draw simple shape now we edit the draw like delete, cut, copy and other...
like drawing in above. editing also simple as long you know what you need for the editing..
example your line is not long enough to reach other line so you can draw more line or you can use this editing command
this command will extend line object to the nearest object it extend.
or your line is to long so it need to be cut off so use this command
this command will cut the line to the cross line in it.
try yourself and find any new command that usefull to editing object in Autocad.

Like i say before
one word to obtain more skill

SO Keep practice and practice so you can be more skilled than other..

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